Bank Interview

                                           BANK INTERVIEW 

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Interview technique is aimed at a fair assessment of personality traits of an individual  Written examination tests the knowledge of facts, intellectual ability and attainment but the interview probes deep into the personality of the candidates. Interview is a face-to-face interpersonal role in which the interviewer asks the candi­date selected set of questions in order to assess his suitability for admission, recruit­ment or promotion or to know the ability of the candidate  he/she suits for the job applied for.

-It is a psychological and sociological instrument. It is a systematic method to con­tact with a person to know his views. It is regarded as the most effective tool for col­lection of data to arrive at the reasonable Assessment of a candidate's personality.

Types of Questions Asked
The interviewer's task is to get the best out a candidate. Therefore, it is very essential that the candidate feels comfort‑able with the interview- panel. Normally, die inlet view begins with the informal interaction like education and family background, interests and hobbies or something which would be answered by every candidate. Once the rhythm of speech gets momentum, it becomes quite case for the candidate to present himself.
Though interview clues not follow a set pattern, yet the pattern can be classified on the basis of four type of questions.
1.          Leading questions
2.          Open-ended questions
3.          Probing questions
4.          Closing-ended questions.
Leading Questions
            Normally, an interview beings with leading questions. Such questions help a candidate to feel comfortable and confident to do well. The purpose of asking these questions is to make the candidate feel at case to make the process of interview interesting and less ominous for the candidate.
            These questions may relate with the education and family background, interest and hobbies, general awareness and other areas of general nature.

Open-Ended Questions
            Once the candidate has made himself comfortable, the process of interview advances with open-ended questions put to the candidate. Such questions let the interviewee deliver more information about himself and his achievements.

Probing Questions
            Since an interview is an assessment of the total personality of the candidate. It is essential on the part of the interviewer to explore the implications of the behavioural pattern of the candidate right from the moment of his entrance in the interview hall. His disposition and other personality parameters are kept on a close scrutiny. Though body language speaks a lot about the personality of the candidate, yet some hidden traits like-decision making ability, powder of analyzing a situation etc, are tested by way of asking some probing questions.
            These probing questions test a candidate’s general knowledge, his study of specific subjects, his understanding of current affairs, his interest and critical awareness of all that is happening around him. Candidate’s ability to apply his knowledge to a given situation or a social problem and his ability to organize ideas and information into a coherent concept or approach is also evaluated.

Close-Ended Questions
            The probing questions are followed by close ended questions which are primarily intended to seek information on specific items and to test your knowledge of facts and figures. The interviewer also makes a final impression of the candidate. Therefore, some questions may get repeated to find whether a candidate is consistent in his approach.

Range of Questions
            The very purpose of writing about this is to caution or forewarn the candidate about to go to the Selection Board well prepared and groomed and save themselves the awkwardness and the embarrassment that the particular candidate was faced with in the foregoing example.
            The interviewer officer does not ask questions, just at random. His purpose is to test the ability of the candidate to fit in the role he is required to play. He has a certain set pattern which he follows.
            This pattern is of the following nature and is generally followed in the same order:

Family Background
·  Parent’s occupation, income, their characteristic.
·  Whom do you like most-father or mother and why?
·  How’s your relations with your parents/brother/sister?
·  How do you help them?

Educational Background
·  Duration spent in various educational institutions, position and percentage and special achievements in each examination passed.
·  Why did you get less percentage in ……… (10th / 12th / ………..)
·  What did you do to improve your percentage?
·  Why is there a gap between …….. (a particular year or class)?
·  Which is your favourite subject and why?
·  The teacher whom you like and why?
·  The teacher whom you don’t like and why?
·  Why did you change your stream?
·  Why do you want to join bank instead of a professional qualification?
·  What do your friends/ teachers say/think about you?

Hobbies and Interest
·  What is your hobby?
·  Since when you are in the habit of it?

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